'Cooking for baby' records my experiences with feeding our little girl, Abhi, who loves variety in food, just like me ! Finding newer food options to keep her interested has been a challenge - sometimes exasperating but more often, exciting!

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Avocado and mango treat

6 months and above

Ripe avocado - 1 No (medium sized)

Ripe mango - 1/2 No (medium sized)

Clean both fruits thoroughly. Guage out the avocado and cube the mango. Blend both together. The sweetness from the mango goes really well with the distinct yet bland taste of the avocado.

PS: I use alphonso mangoes for this

Nutritional Information

Avocado - A source of the heart healthy fats, the B vitamins, fiber, vitamin E among many others.

Mango - A delicious source of Vitamins C,A, and E, prebiotic (fostering the growth of digestion aiding good bacteria found naturally in the intestine)fiber, amino acids, and antioxidants.


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